
Thursday 22 January 2015

Our first Restaurant Review.....almost!

Since the inauguration of NN we have covered a wide range of subjects from politics to manimal welfare to the arts to sport and much more, but as yet we haven't had a restaurant review and being the resident food critic I think this is way overdue and I am here to right this outrageous wrong.

However, that said, there does remain one small obstacle to my righting this terrible oversight.  I think my colleagues, and the Boss in particular, were extracting the urine when they appointed me restaurant critic for NN.  I mean, as much as I would love to visit a restaurant and comment on the grub, I'm a feline manimal and try as I might I can't get in!  For some strange reason when I start speaking to them their first reaction is to get a bit freaked out!  If I didn't know better I'd say they'd never seen a talking manimal before, let alone one who can speak Spanish as well as English!  But since I know that's not such an oddity (all us manimals here speak several languages.....take Negrito for example, he's trilingual; English, Spanish and the universal language of 'lurve') this cannot be the problem.  Anyway, I chewed the problem over whilst I sat and devoured my 3 o'clock snack - a platter of cold meats, 1/2 kg blue cheese, 1/2 kg non-blue cheese, 2 whole trout, 1L milk, a bag of Haribo Teddy Bears and a bar of Dairy Crunch; not much really, but it was only a snack! - and then it came to me!

You see, the problem wasn't so much that I couldn't get in to the restaurants, as they all closed the doors when I got near!  "Why?", I hear you cry.  "Why won't you let Sonny Tiger in?"  

I'll tell you why, shall I.  That ha-ha, ever-so-funny, hilarious Boss and my so-called friends had set me up!  As each restaurant closed it's doors I was able to glance behind me and spy the NN team chuckling behind their disguises.  Yes, their disguises!!!  Did they really think I wouldn't spot Rudi dressed as Audrey Hepburn - I mean, as far as I know, Ms. Hepburn didn't have whiskers!! - and Mister Cool dressed as David Ginola! Putting on a wig and holding a bottle of shampoo mate, ain't much of a disguise!  And the Boss dressed up as Mariano Rajoy!  Since when would the Spanish Head of State visit our part of the world?!!!  

That was when I smelled a rat!  Luckily, because I'd already eaten the rat escaped digestion, but even so I was onto them!  So when we got back to the newsroom I confronted the team and they spilled the beans - which I did eat, cos I can't resist beans!  They make thy fart!  And I loves to fart!  

It seems I was given the job solely because I like my food.....just a little bit mind...... and I might be just a teensy, weensy bit overweight (though by who's standards I'd like to know!  As far I'm concerned I'm just 'well-covered')  and this because I always 'clean my plate,' ....well, and anyone else's plate within paw reach - I hate waste after all - but they went and told one local restauranteur, who became scared I'd eat him out of house and custom and so once he saw me approaching he promptly battened down the hatches, then WhatsApp'd his mates who all did the same! restaurant review!
Where's all me trimmings?

Is that the starter?
So instead I give you two of my hero, Adam Richman, who can eat almost as much as me, and another of a roast chicken, cos that's what I'm eating right now to console myself!

 I'll be back soon with more tasty tit-bits to make your mouth water.

Sonny Tiger for NN, hungry and in Spain!

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