
Mr Cool's Profile

Mister Cool’s Profile cool.jpg

Age: 2 hu-man years.  In Doggy years all you need to know sister, is that I’m old enough!  Tsk tsk!

Favourite Song: Who Let the Dogs Out - but, of course!

Favourite Film: Hotel for Dogs - what else?

Favourite Actress: Lassie - I’d love to run my paws through her fur!

Favourite Actor: The dog from Frasier

Favourite TV Show: The Lone Ranger - can you see the resemblance?

Favourite TV Character: Frank Cannon - cos if he died on my watch that man could feed me for a week!

Car: 1952 Ford Coyote - look it up!  Oy!  And keep your hands off the dash Sweetheart!

Favourite Holiday Zone: Anywhere with plenty of bitches!  Yeah!

Fav Footy Team: Newcastle - although their strip should be B&W big spots and not hoops!

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