
Thursday 10 December 2015

Sorry Donald Trump, but you really are an Ass!

Do you know what the really amazing thing about Donald 'some of my best friends are coloured!' Trump is?


That's right, folks!  A big fat zero!

This truly is a man without a single redeeming feature that I can discern.   And the only surprising fact about him is that there are enough idiots out there who think that this poor excuse for an American statesman is a viable candidate for the Presidency!  Poor old Abe is must be turning in his grave!

On his absolutely terrific website our Donny starts off by informing us all about how much danger the average 'corn-fed, white' American is in from your average American Muslim!  According to the Center for Security Policy 25% of US Muslims think that "violence against Americans in the US is justified as part of the global jihad," and 51% want free choice as to whether they wish to live under Sharia Law or not.

Ok, those are the facts according to this particular poll.  And let's be fair; those are some pretty troubling statistics.  Now, it would seem blindingly obvious to me - but then I don't have Trump's rump to bounce ideas off of so I might come up a bit short - but isn't the Muslim community in America right now feeling just a little bit isolated?  And perhaps slightly victimised?  Criminalised perhaps?  Just for being Muslim?  In the land of the free?

The land of the free!

Can that be right?

Now, I'm no politician - not telling any lies there then! - but if someone in my group/neighbourhood is feeling a bit lonely, on the fringes of things, you know, then I'd go out of my way to make that person feel welcome and part of the group.  I'd try to bring them into the fold, make them feel part of the group.

Makes sense, yeah?

If someone feels separated from the rest there is a tendency to lack trust; it's only natural.  If one stretches the distance between any two points and it always becomes harder to see what occurs on the one side from the other.  Pull even further apart and the differences between the two points become blurred and faded and eventually unrecognisable.  But should the two points pull closer together then.......

In a much bigger way, surely the way to deal with problems bubbling up in the US Muslim community is to bring them into the fold in the same way and not to push them away.  Bring them closer, try to find out why there are such feelings of disenfranchisement, what drives this vehicle we call radicalisation?  And then try to sort through the differences.
Our hero on the campaign trail!

But young Mr Trump wants to isolate these guys even further by banning all Muslims from entering the US indefinitely, or, as he put it, "until our countries representatives can sort our what is going on."

So that's when then Donny?  When Daesh are all dust?  Or when the Middle East has been shut down permanently and where there were once mud huts housing savages there shall now be bright shiny Taco Bells and Burger Kings?  Or when George Armstrong Custer rises from the grave to ride headlong into Jerusalem at the head of a righteous army of mini, bumped-up Trumps, all high on on the heady words of their hallowed leader!

"Let's make America great again!"

"Let's make America great again!"

"Let's make America great again!"

But, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so if America is feeling hungry for a taste of Trump pie and the Republicans decide to run with this poor, misunderstood....shit, I'm gonna say it!....racist, bigot, then you'd better be ready for the next CSP poll to read a whole lot worse than the last one!  And if you think America's in too many Wars now, then just give your good old boy a chance and see how many more countries he'd piss off in 4 years!

I can tell'd be a lot!  Cos he's an Ass!  And if you, or anyone you know votes for that Ass, well then, you're an Ass too!

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