
Monday 12 January 2015

Exhale, inhale ........Breathe!!!

After all the chaos of the last few days we at NN finally feel able to exhale after days of holding our breath. We are all slightly light-headed, still in shock to some extent, but at least we're still here.  Since the vast majority of us here at NN are manimals, religion to us seems to be a largely irrelevant source of angst and one that sometimes we struggle to comprehend.  To be sure, the biggest thing we worship is our lunch, or in Sonny's case it's not just lunch, you can include brekky, din-dins, supper and every snack time in between!  We worship at the full bowl ........prostrate ourselves in front of the empty bowl ....and sure enough, the powers that be fill it up again soon enough.  Now that's a religion that works in my book!

Watching the TV news with my bro's the last few days we couldn't help wondering why you hu-mans complicate your lives so much.  Think about language for instance: I don't know how many hu-man languages there are currently in use, but I'd take a wild stab at it and say there are more than 6 anyway. Linguistic differences are the first smokescreen layer between individuals that confuse communication and lay the first bricks in the walls of misunderstanding that each and every one of you builds.  Immediately you start relying on phrasebooks, dictionaries and interpretors just to fill your own bowl.  Why not simplify it? One species, one language, like us manimals.  I'm a Spanglish dog but I still speak the same lingo as any other dog no matter where he comes from....that's why I knew Scruffy's name (see the linked page, Snow Wolves and me, with Mister Cool's belated Festive TV review) wasn't Scruffy; it was George.....not that it matters, but it does illustrate the point. One species; one language;  equals no confusion.

This would also help to level the playing field.  If you understand each other it becomes that much harder to see yourself as different.  You become more likely to treat others as you would treat yourself.  In manimal society we have no 'oneupmanship,' no class system, no one manimal is better than another (or though, it doesn't necessarily stop one manimal eating another, but at least we show a bit respect whilst we're doing it!).

Next let's look at religion.  Now to my knowledge, apart from my little joke above about food, us manimals have no religion to speak of.  We all live our lives as if every day is the last with, for my wild cousins, our major preoccupation being food, sex, drink and more food (not necessarily in that order) and since we're so busy enjoying our day and living it to the full we don't have time for religion.

But look at you hu-mans.  So many different beliefs that inevitably you not only misunderstand each other, you tend to look down on others who don't share your beliefs.  This seems to be tied up with hu-man race, skin colour and cultural differences which serve only to widen the gulf of misinterpretation that exits between you.

Make it easy on yourselves.  One religion for all, or better still, just knock the whole lot on the head and go without. Worship life.  Worship love and worship your similarities rather than focusing on the differences. And you guys think we're stupid ones!  That we're the dumb manimals!  Talk about the kettle.......!

NN is based in Spain, as you may know, and more murderous bunch of characters you'd be hard-pushed to find.  I speak from personal experience, mind, so even though that assessment might seem a bit harsh to some, especially the Spanish, if the cap fits.......!  In Spain every holiday and every weekend for 5 months of every year they venture out to kill anything that moves.  We've had buckshot hitting our house (though, of course that is totally illegal but it doesn't seem to make a blind bit of difference), I myself have been shot and almost died because of it, but in the end thanks to my amazing vet I only lost my tail.  A lucky escape you might say!  And what did I do to deserve it?

Nothing.  Nothing at all.  Wrong place, wrong time.  In the same incident my nephew, Diamond, also got shot, initially only losing an eye, but subsequently his life!  Why?

Wrong place, wrong time!  And I should say, that 'wrong place' was less than 50m from my front door!!

What happened to the offender?  I'll tell you.....nothing!  Nothing at all.  Despite all evidence to the contrary the judge decided that 2 dogs shot didn't warrant taking someone's licence away.  So instead they rubber stamped it, said to him, "carry on mate!  Kill all the family pets you wish!"  Unfortunately, said offender took that encouragement to heart and 2 months later threatened an actual hu-man with similar violence when he thrust his double-barrelled shotgun into the hapless victims face and offered to re-arrange his features for him!  Finally, the law acted and took his gun licence away!  But the guy is still at liberty and will probably, in due course, regain his licence to kill and maim again.

And they call this justice!

Mister Cool, my other nephew and brother to poor Diamond, has also been shot whilst he was sleeping outside NN HQ.  He was asleep!!  Can you believe, and some f*%$£r just let go both barrels into his face. Luckily, the hunters aim was crap and he only caught Coolio a glancing blow resulting in lots of blood and minor surgery to remove over 40 pellets from his chest and one from his eye....that's why one eye is a different colour to the other!  His fur around his chest is so thick that only one or two pellets actually made it through and penetrated the flesh so, I guess you might say, he was lucky!  We could all do with that sort of luck, right?

But now every weekend until the season ends we have endure thousands (again, literally) of shots ringing out all within earshot and often much closer than that.  The law states....well, actually, we don't what the law says exactly about shooting close to houses, but whatever it does say the Spanish killers don't pay it any mind, and they just randomly rattle off as many shots as they can at (again literally) anything that moves within range; rabbits (which they are legally allowed to take), songbirds (by the dozen - if you ask them, they need at least a dozen thrushes to make even a half decent meal.....if they only mange to get 5 or 6, then they just leaves their little bodies where they lie and move on to the next tree to try again), wild boar, deer, hare, grouse, eagles, hawks, owls.......and anything else they come across.  And if you ask the Police or the Guardia what the law is in this regard (which manimals they are allowed to take & how close they can shoot to residences), they have no idea!  And you get the impression, they just don't give a shit either way!  Quite, quite unbelievable!   Why this Medieval and archaic practise is allowed to continue is quite beyond me.  I think it's because they have the cheek to call it sport!!  Sport!  Ha!  What a joke!

But if it must continue, then why it isn't restricted to specific areas away from residences where the dangers are minimised to the innocent and then the blood-thirsty hunters can shoot happily at each other all year long for all I care!  Alternatively, teach the rabbits how to use an Uzi, give 'em the ammo and set them loose on the hunters.  Now, that's what I call sport!  Where both sides start out on equal footing and have equal chances of achieving their aims.  When it's just slaughter, as it is now, sport is the last thing it is.

What with all rumpus the last few days in Paris you'd have thought some people might just take stock..."oh yeah, it's true....guns kill and they are dangerous.  I think I'll stop hunting!  We've seen enough blood shed!" But no!  Oh no, my friends!  This past weekend there seemed to be more than ever, almost as if the violence in France shook some out of their turgid apathy to remind them of the power of the gun!

My Dad and Mum have both said to me on numerous occasions that if they'd known what violent, don't-give-a-shit, thoughtless people the Spanish before they'd come here, they would not have come!  But hindsight is a wonderful thing!

And now to come full circle...... why do you hu-mans have guns at all?  What do they achieve?  Again, as far as we manimals are concerned guns are killing machines, nothing more.  Hu-man Wars constantly ravage our wonderful planet that we all share.  But it's only hu-mans who try to ruin that!  If manimals have a problem with other we fight it out, sure, and the winner is normally the strongest or cleverest one, not the one with the biggest gun, or the most destructive bomb.  If you lot have problems with each other why not choose champions who fight on behalf of a country, or religion or whatever other dumb reasons you guys have for wanting to kill each other and then the violence, damage, terror, pain is limited and doesn't bring the whole world to its knees and leave everyone living in fear!!

Can you imagine a gun-free world, where everyone understands and accepts everyone else as equals and Wars and disputes are settled with the minimum of fuss, bloodshed and angst.  We know it won't happen. But it should!


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